E-twinning çalışmaları
Akant Ortaokulu e Twinning kulüp öğrencileri 5 R ( Reuse, Reduce, Recycle,Refuse,Rot) uluslararası proje kapsamında 21.yy yenilikçi Web 2 araçlarını( canva, pixiz,tagul,Voki,story jumper... ) kullanarak proje posterlerini, logolarını ve e- kitaplarını proje ortakları İtalya, Ukrayna, Polonya ve Romanya ile birlikte tasarlayarak kültürel ve dil becerilerini geliştirdiler.
Akant Secondary School Twinning club students created their own project posters, logos and e-books using 21st century innovative Web 2 tools (canva, pixiz, tagul, Voki, story jumper ...) within the scope of 5 R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle,Rot,Refuse) international project partners with Italy, Ukraine, Poland and Romania to develop cultural and linguistic skills.
Akant Secondary School Twinning club students created their own project posters, logos and e-books using 21st century innovative Web 2 tools (canva, pixiz, tagul, Voki, story jumper ...) within the scope of 5 R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle,Rot,Refuse) international project partners with Italy, Ukraine, Poland and Romania to develop cultural and linguistic skills.
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